Sunday 30 December 2012


Success always neglects Haters, because they don’t have dreams.
They only have nightmares, haunted by the successes of others.
And whiles they’re asleep it troubles them that someone is better.
And whiles they’re awake, it bothers them why you made it farther.
Hate isn’t racist.
Your failure is the only pigment of their black and white story.
The only figment of their imagination is to witness the autopsy of your glory.
And they dwell on that with their last breath like their lives depended on it.
Fighting the inevitable just to see you fall, rather than to see themselves rise.
They are still suffocating, because your heart is still beating.
Their hearts won’t stop racing if you keep showing up shinning in their faces.
Until they realize God’s in your corner where all the grace is
They should better throw in the towel and wave their filthy white rag.
I mean who can stand God’s wrath, when He’s your shield?
Love is real, and so is Hate.

Do you think it’s only people who go to the doctor that are the sick?
Wait till you meet one who harbors envy in his heart.
He’s the worst patient, because he isn’t even aware of his own predicament.
An illness whose medicine is never sold in chemist shops.
They say what goes around comes back around; soon they shall have a taste of their own medicine.
Karma has no menu; you get served what you deserve.
Hate is everywhere; In Compton people hate on you with ‘drive-bys’ and guns
If God made me a Samson, why do you seek to shave my hair-locks?
If God gave me wings, why do desire to clip them off?
Now we can’t tell those who really love us apart.
When everything is buried in the heart and something is hidden in a smile.
How good is X-ray when you can’t see through these hearts?
I think Hollywood needs more entries; people are playing their disguises well.

God said He created us, some above others; So that some will depend on others
Or better yet test us; it’s sad, most of us are failing
Once you start to rise above rooftops, they crave to pull you down to the mud.
Once you’re holding the torch, they are burnt on extinguishing the light.
They have a dying hunger, and will only get satisfied when they see you in plight.
They say money is the root of all evil, but ever seen the fruits of envy and hate?
They say we all belong to a family tree,
But people can’t handle the truth of reality;
when you are standing tall like the Eiffel tower and they have to bask in your light like a tiny mushroom.
I mean if they can’t get some of the light, they gotta cut you down.
But how do you bring down a mighty mountain?
They say family is linked by blood
But why are people spilling the blood of their own blood relatives?
If you can see yourself rise, why do you plot and want to see me fall and sink?
You’re only weak if you fail to pray 7 days a week.
And the fear of God will thrive your bravery… there are haters out there, but God is with us.

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Life… What is life? They say death is the only answer But where are the stories if the dead can’t speak. I suppose we’re still living this illusion... we’re still asleep Life is like a bubble… fragile Drifting it in a violent wind. A faint moment of time. Life is the best epitome of Irony And isn’t irony such a cruel companion? What we desire will most always flee. What we disdain are mostly on its knees… at our mercy. Life… Chance, fate, destiny. Out of a million, one particular sperm cell made it It is like a faint mirage; Good feels bad, bad seems good. Righteousness is probably the most mocked thing. Iniquity is now an object of praise. There’s a shift between what is sacrilegious and what is conventional Life… They say Life is for rent, And someday, we all are gonna get evicted. They say we borrowed it, And someday we are gonna give it back. Is Fate ever fair? Why some are born heirs to lofty empires. And some born with disabilities. Like rolling a dice, sliding the fortune wheel, tossing a coin… life is a sum of chances. In the end, there’s only one feeling that plagues my soul… Ontological anxiety.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Birthday Rhyme

Anniversary of ma day of BIRTH
First things 1st,all praises due to Allah 1ST.
God, bless ma FATHER,make it 3X for MOTHER
Big ups to Abdul Jabaar,cos he never lay a hand on his kid BRUTHA
'birds of a FEATHER flock TOGETHER'
so,a big THANKS 2 all my good FRIENDS
Err moment i spend wit y'all is always a big CHANCE
Been through pain,been thru GREATNESS
Few frowns,but more ♥ & HAPPINESS
Could have been gone, but am still HERE
Alhamdulilah,I've been through another YEAR


A beautiful morning, an intense glimpse into nature and i relinquish to misgivings.
A satisfying look into the firmaments, and it spells a great name to believe in.
A name that is a perfect definition of peace and serenity.
A name that accentuates mercy and generosity.
What a great name?

The remembrance of your name is like fingers gently stroking the strings of a harp.
The remembrance of your name is the radiance that extinguishes the thick cloud of despair in our hearts.
Your name shall be the hope our souls will soar on.
Your name is the breath our lives shall live on.
What a great name?

A name, a bold growl that silences the tender and fragile voice of the sneaking whisperer.
Hearing the echo of your fond name gently heals the ailments of our emotions.
A name that is the blueprint of our faith and grace.
Anytime our face confesses sadness and our heads bow down in depression, a thought of your name puts a smile on a face.
What a great name?

The heart weeps in the absence of your name
The heart is weak in the absence of your name
A sole remedy when we are in agony and pain
A sole source of happiness to reckon with again and again.
What a great name?

Birds chirping, leaves and the wind whispering, the waters and waves roaring and hailing in belief
A name that plants thoughts, a whole world of knowledge we conceive.
The cold in our hearts will succumb to the warmth in your name.
Our destiny lies in your great name.
What a great name?

ALLAHU AKBAR, God is the greatest.


In one moment, there are infinite decisions that we could make, and infinite directions that we could take. If men could compute the permutations and probabilities, they would. If computers could, they wouldn't. Where are thoughts from? This, more of a sign than just a question. If there has to be a source of our thoughts, it has to be from the most high.

Monday 16 April 2012

Rhyme. Home

Today, you may live in a condo/
I may live in a burrow/
Ride and roll in rover fleets/
while i walk bare feet/
The rich are escorted in a golden hearse/
It's funny how they would share a common place with the poor and the worst/
But in the end, we all go back home/
Home alone/
Home sweet home/
6 feet deep in the earth crust/
wrapped in our deeds, buried in the dust/

Rhyme Day

It's a new day/
Praises to the Almighty God for a new way/
Am still alive and well/
This is the best story time could tell/
What else? I didn't open my eyes in a grave/
I have been favored, I have been saved/
Some didn't make it, for me, a new way has been paved/
No whips on my back, chains and cuffs, but I'm still a Nobel slave/ Feet sinking in a 1968 chucks, i follow the trails set 1400 years, the first 19 words to Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) in a cave/
If you lived to see another day, praise God for no mourning/
And send peace to the nation, Good morning/

What Islam Recycled!

• Islam took away my pride and gave me humility
• Islam took away the mockery and replaced it with humor
• Islam took away my sorrows and grieves and prescribed me hope and perseverance.
• Islam took away the war that resided and blessed me with peace.
• Islam told me; “The best form of vengeance is forgiveness”
• Islam told me “your worst enemy could be your best friend someday”
• Islam strengthened the bond between mother and I.
• Islam opened my closed fist of miserliness and taught me charity could be even a smile.
• Islam took away the jealousy and advised inspiration.
• Islam drained a chunk of my ignorance and has revealed to me the gates of wisdom.
• Islam cursed my foul language and blessed me with noble speech.
• Allah created Islam, Allah taught me all these lessons.

Days Flip like A Chapter

Yet another moment, yet another experience.
Yet another situation tests our resilience.
Heartaches reverberate like earthquakes.
The depression resurrects bad headaches.
Tears trickle down like a waterfall.
We struggling, toiling to push down the Great Wall.
And when the night comes as a warm blanket, you still can’t find sleep.
Mind is busy, thousand thoughts firing, “why can’t i succeed”. If life is a book, am stuck in a long chapter.
Where the pages flip, same story, same old character.
When sun goes to sleep, and the night fully awoken.
And the mighty Lord calls upon men, whom will desire a token.

The Illness Born At Birth

Ignorance is a chronic disease. It’s unfortunate we were all born in complete ignorance. By time, we are all afflicted at a certain degree. Unquestionably, there is no cure, but by the remnants of knowledge we seek, we heal ourselves.


Like Indelible scars.
As beautiful as the brightest shining stars.
These moments, buried deep in the depths of my memories.
Cherished episodes, at the realm of hierarchies.
Why do I forget not, when they were never meant to fade.
Why do I remember, when they were never destined to evade.
Praises to God, I can travel to the past.
While I am here, my mind is touring dates.

Friday 13 April 2012

Different shades

Perfumes rain in Paris.
Mass graves in Somalia inspire the iris.
Bouquet of Flowers in Rome.
Blood flood in Syria.
Luxurious towers sprouting in the Emirates.
Incinerated men in Nigeria.
Olympics in London.
Children versus tanks in Palestine.
Big fashion labels broadcast in Madrid.
Famine strikes in Sudan.
Exquisite neon lights in Japan.