Friday 20 May 2011


Fresh page, my pen relates the odyssey of a soul train.
Life often gives spectacles we can barely explain.
The tears are manifest, like clouds can barely restrain rain.
Doctor, doctor please, the anaesthesia succumbed to the pain.
In the midst of these earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes.
Despair emanates but faith restricts complain.
The news now a bare scare, the well-being my heart can barely maintain.
Genocide and homicide painting our walls with blood stains.
Hideous, tainting our memories with indelible stains.
Our hearts are heavy, whereof are the cranes?
Our leaders? they hoard, vague promises, they feign.
What a cruel bargain?
Someone tell me, whereof is the freedom? Tyranny is now shackles and chains.
The spoils of war, gore, mass graves marring our beautiful terrain.

Deep sentiments, my pen relates the expedtiton of a soul train.
The world needs positive change.
Everyone can be a hero, commence a camapign.
There resides a feat in every toil, labour and strain.
Yea, extinguish the scorn, chauvinism and disdain.
Peace in our hearts, peace in the world, we should sustain.
And feed hope, patience and supplications to the sane brain.
Great legacies, pave the way, like neon lights glowing on our lanes.
We are struggling, rowing but tomorrow we will soar like airplanes.
The bravest hearts are ones who free truth bare and plain.
Our prayers beckon the heavens, never to be in vain.
For a day, all the filth of the fiasco would go down the drain.
God will recompense the oppressed, decapitated and the slain.
In lofty mansions, in green gardens on high thrones to rejoice again and again.
As perfectly as God ordained.
My pen goes to sleep, from a voyage of a soul train.

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