Sunday 31 March 2013

Dreams & Lessons

Wake up from that coma.
Wake up from the slumber.
Wake up to a miracle.
Rise to the pinnacle.
Dreams are bigger than sleep.
Winners are widely awake than ever asleep.
Your mind is gold that cannot be mined.
Ambition is a ladder that is leaning against the sky.
Faith is an invisible staircase, take that first step.
We may be in the gutters, but we're gazing at the stars.
Aiming at Sirius.
And even if we miss, the clouds would be cushion.
Stars shine brightest in the dark.
And you'll never be a star if you believe in zodiacs and horoscopes.
Ditch the telescope, look in the mirror and fix your own flaws.
Time waits for no man, neither does death.
Why do we fall?
Failure is a bridge to success. Build one with your shortfalls.
Even on the right track, you can still get run over.
Keep your head up, keep marching.
Keep running and leave laziness and procrastination behind your trail.
Don't let frustration pick pocket on your patience.
Motivation is a recipe, prescribe it daily.
Son, how're you gonna shine if you sitting on someone else's sun?
Trust is more fragile than a glass vase, and we men have slippery soapy hands.
A pinch of loyalty is never guaranteed from the same people you dine with.
The tongue is a mighty powerful sword; don't slander and don't get slain.
Silence is better than violence.
Yet no revolution is borne from silence, Put a timer on your speech.
Don't set your expectations high like a kite, disappointments will rain cats and dogs on you.
Compassion is a favour seldom returned nor shared.
Thus, Men hunt their own kind like cannibals.
Preying on one another's weaknesses.
Hypocrites hide in plain sight, open your mind not your eyesight.
Words can be lies, actions can be disguises.
Haters would wield bricks at you, lay a foundation, build an empire.
Critics would rap about your talent, wrap them, and thank them for reminding you of imperfection.
Friends and Foes will wish for your downfall, congrat them for bestowing God's favour on you and pray for their recovery.
Optimist will dazzle your eyes, pessimists will blind you, use both; Life's better when dim.
Fear is seeking you, and it'll find you if you have no hope.
Change will come, know when to flee and when to embrace it.
Just make sure that your change is growth, from grassroots to an amazing amazon.
And prayer will steer your destiny.
The devil is preying on you, keep Praying to God.
Either Blessings will rain or lessons will reign.
Religion is the real legion.
You can't make it in life with a college degree and without God's decree.
Nobody can kill your legacy, you're the only one who makes it immortal.
Never give up... Wake up from your dream and chase a Dream.
Reach out, they're within your reach.
And when you make it, don't forget the routes to your roots.
Calm your attitude and show some gratitude.

Friday 29 March 2013

Not every woman or man needs a gold crown, an embellishment of pearls, diamonds, and a posh cloak that sweeps the floor to be a king or a queen.
Fear and Grief seeks us, and without Hope and Faith it'll find you, and find you again and again and again.
Change is when your destiny takes a new course; know when to embrace it and when when to flee it?

Thursday 28 March 2013

It was a chilly night, and the night was still in it's youth.
The breeze was so humble and kind.
Providing so much comfort and a sweet whistling melody.
And verily I was wondering around unawares of what destiny had this time to my surprise.
Much oblivious to the accident that befell me, or was it a plot of coincidence set-up by God... I knew not.
I saw you from afar like a how a fisherman sees a good catch.
The new moon was shedding its luminance just right above you, your face is a profound luster.
And the night terrain revealed your brilliance in exquisite detail.
The darkness of your hair blending with depths of the night.
As if already prepared to amaze me, I love pony-tails.
And those big round ear-rings clanging as though they were the keys to my heart.
O my word!!! what a perfect picture? Mona Lisa must be jealous.
And for a moment, I lost all my senses but sight.
My eyes were transfixed, locked unto one gorgeous aura.
Everything else was blur, in my blindside... but you, in a sharp focus... I needn't a camera lens.
I was deaf at an instance, because everything else was a meaningless irrelevance.
And there, a whole world was standing before me in a sleek dress.
A dress that portrayed modesty in a stylish form so humble.
I wonder how a maiden could snatch attention with so much ease.
And Even if you bolted away with it, I'd still be struck enough.
Incapable of screaming and triggering a burglar alarm.
I just stood there charmed but consciously appreciative of such fineness.
I couldn't tell if you pulled a magic trick.
I didn't see you chant nor swing a magic wand though.
And as You approached my direction in a slow strut.
Time was relative, the whole moment was in slow motion, and minutes were micro-seconds
your carefully defined steps synchronized along with my heartbeat.
Your musk, would summon anyone from afar, like an expensive cologne from the heart of Paris.
I must argue that no daughter of eve must have privilege to such immense beauty.
Your eyeballs are so poisonous, gazing into them kills me.
And I must agree that you don't need a crown, a throne, a string of pearls, diamonds and a posh cloak to be a queen.
And i wonder; How do you manage to look in the mirror and still escape suicide?
And your smile? very infectious
I could be sick all day reminiscing.
And yet no pills would be able to relieve me.
I wondered; what the hell was happening to me?
Verily, i was lost in so much nervousness.
And when you finally moved your lips to speak to me...
... my alarm rang, and i woke up.
It was all a dream.
A dream I'm still chasing in reality.
I may not believe in Love at first site', but i do believe that the first sight is always the first step.

Saturday 23 March 2013

The most careless of men is one who is vigilant of everything but entirely negligent of his religion.
I love writing, when you read my words, you read my thoughts. I invite you into mind and share with you the feeling of how I think... And in the end, I find my way into your mind too.
You can never change the world in a lifetime, but you can change a world in one moment.
Friends and Foes will wish for your downfall, congratulate them for bestowing God's favour upon you, and go ahead to pray for their recovery.
I would feel rich because content resides in my heart. I would feel poor because money is the only thing I possess.
Build forts, fortresses and empires and they may remain even when you're gone. Build libraries and legacies, and you may remain forever even after your soul departs. Men die, legends live forever.
What is the worth of a beautiful rose garden without sharp prickly thorns?
You will not be able to fully understand a man until after he has been subjected to power, riches and rank

Tuesday 19 March 2013

People usually pontificate; Compassion is a gesture of the coward, and a trait of weakness. But what is the blabbering of mere mortal men compared to the applause of great Heaven?
What would it profit a man to criticise the rights of others, in preference to pitying his own wrongs?
Every single person must have a degree of shyness and modesty; otherwise, their reputation will be a cheap sale
In life, look at those below you not to feel proud, but to feel content. Look at those above you not to feel jealous, but to feel inspired
Character is contagious, spreads like a cancer, but rather more dangerous; it’s influence can neither be seen, nor felt nor diagnosed
Alarm clocks do not awake men… God does
The greediest person must be the one who fails to share a smile… a man, consistent in in wearing a scowl
Don’t let your belief in God be a faint tale told to you by society, find it from within the depths of your heart.
God crafted time-machines in our minds; our memories, so that we can return to the past and our aspirations so that we can travel to the future
Walls have ears and they are good gossips too
Men have broken more trust than they have broken glasses
The tongue has slayed more men than swords
The best safe in the world is the mind. Your secret is safely guaranteed within your mind, worry only about your tongue
The blemishes of the many politicians have tainted the reputation of the few good ones
Every great empire started from a small lingering thought
A man who is lazy to think is much worse than one who is lazy to work
Footsteps leave trails of man’s existence; nature leaves a conspicuous trail of God’s existence.
Ignorance is a chronic disease. Unfortunately we were all born into complete ignorance. By time, we are all afflicted at a certain degree. Unquestionably, there is no cure, but by the remnants of knowledge that we seek, we will heal ourselves.

Monday 18 March 2013

Not every untruth is a lie; misconceptions, deceptions and illusions are one of the few unforgotten forms.
We all can't deny; our lives are fashioned by societies wardrobe. Inspiration is the best shoes, walk in them and leave great footprints. Virtues are the best adornments, wear them and set the best trends.
Sometimes we men are predators, we prey on each others' weaknesses. But most surprisingly is when virtues are mistaken for weaknesses. Maybe a mirage to men but undoubtedly a great service to Heaven.
What would it profit a man to criticise the rights of others, when he should be pitying his own wrongs?

Friday 15 March 2013

Without language, my thoughts wouldn't find it's way into your mind, nor will yours find it's way into my understanding... Speech wouldn't exist, the tongue would only have a sense of taste and the world be a boring place filled with deadly silence.
The brightest memories and the darkest secrets reside in the depths of the mind. The mind is the best safe for all secrets, and the only key to it is the tongue... Speech. People only get to your mind, through your own-self.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Man's Companion... Mother of Mankind

If there was no woman, there would be no child, there would be no humanity and the entire human race would've been buried in the earth along with one man.
Coincidence is a gift with no ribbons adorning it, sent by God and delivered by destiny
Thinking is having a conversation
With your own self without moving your lips.
Beauty is a blessing and a curse; a blessing that is exiled by pride and a curse that is cured by humility.
Let a man prefer praying for happiness to praying for wealth and riches. For verily one who is wealthiest can neither borrow a piece of mind, nor purchase a remedy to sorrow nor can he satisfy his insatiable materialistic needs. Content is gratitude to God ,and a relief to mankind.
They might be able to imprison you for a lifetime, but not even for a second can they be able to incarcerate your thoughts.

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Sometimes acting naive and oblivious is a camouflage, where you hide in plain sight by acting dumb. And then watch others expose themselves by trying so hard to prove they're smarter... Sometimes hiding your strengths is not a weakness.

Monday 4 March 2013

Let nobody ever be blamed for killing your own legacy. You're the only one whose finger is on the trigger.
The recurrence of one particular event only refutes the possibility that it first happened by chance.

Silence & Ambience

If your silence and absence doesn't alert their attention, then your ambience and presence never found their way into their hearts. Sometimes you're just a faint shade of memory, sometimes you're a lot more...
The difference between men and beast doesn't lie in intelligence... It isPURPOSE! Otherwise we are just the same living things; fragile creatures born to die and mortal souls limited by confines of Time... What is the purpose of your Life?