Friday 7 June 2013

It's another day and I'm drowning in my sorrows.
The darkness of yesterday is haunting my brighter tomorrows.
Yet I needn't a blunt of weed to escape the gravity.
Nor the white man's hard liquor to baptise the torment.
in the midst of a multitude, one could still feel lonely.
One could be high up in flight, yet still feel grounded
I'm probably hiding all my emotions behind a faint smile.
I live in a house filled with so much emptiness
I've been hiding all the pain from the world but there's no hiding place in my heart.
I'm drowning in an ocean of questions
but with one answer staring down from the skies.
I needn't move my lips, my heart wails in awe of mercy.
If I could shed tears, I could wipe out a drought.
Why am I wondering if God listens, I know he hears the micro decibels of my whisperings when I pray.
Or maybe He's just acting indifferent?
Why have my sentiments been met with profound negligence?
I dare not wonder with my puny mind.
And I've waited for so long frustration is pick pocketing on my patience.
Yes, Verily frustration plagues my mind
Ingratitude holds me hostage
And Failure has overstayed its welcome
Sometimes things get so intense and for a rare moment in life, I give it a thought before forgiving.
I just smiled...
Because sometimes when you think about it, pain is a beautiful feeling... A wonderful blessing.
My mind reminds me of God much in these times.
But to ease the pain, the thought of hurting others crosses your mind... Maybe vent your spleen on another soul, be they worthy or not.
it's called collateral damage.
But would that change destiny?
My conscience probes too much into my private affairs.
Verily I'm a blunt sword, no matter how much I try I cannot cut.
Because compassion is my Solomon's hair-locks not my Achilles heels.
But sometimes I smile when I remember everything.
Cos if every misfortune is a blessing, then this should be the greatest moments in my life.
I just smiled again...
Cos I see myself at the end of the tunnel...
Acknowledging God and Writing my success story.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

We all can't deny; our lives are fashioned by societies wardrobe. Inspiration and legacies are the best shoes, walk in them and leave great footprints; virtues are the best adornments, wear them and set the best trends. Don't live a life that doesn't match your pocket, nor make decisions that don't tally with the weight of your wallet. They say that our reputation is more vital than the contents of our purses. Live a simple life that shows content and gratitude. Be a monument in people's minds and a memento in reality.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

No matter how powerful, mighty or self-sufficient you may seem, There will always be a point in Life when you will fall weak to necessity and realise the need for help. But then, no matter the degree and dedication of your efforts, you fail to avail yourself in every means necessary; not from your power, fame, beauty, intelligence, wealth nor the aid of someone else. And at that trice, you'll know that your destiny isn't in your own hands, and that there's an ultimate power beyond the reach of all men... Then, you'll recognise the insignificance and incapability of man w/o God's Will... because powerlessness and fallibility will forever plague him.