Tuesday 14 October 2014


It’s vague
Like a thick fog that plagues
Even if tomorrow is near
I still can’t see clear
My sharp focus is nothing but an image that’s blur
“Mirror mirror on the wall”
I strain, but I don’t see anything at all
This paradox must be one hell of a kind
Because I am not blind
Nor have I been blindfolded
Nor has my sight been eroded
But I still can’t foresee
That which is in store and that which befalls me

It’s vague
Like a thick gloomy cloud that plagues
Like a mighty fog in its wake
Verily, I’m not daft
But I still have no idea
Truthfully, I’m quite smart
But my wisdom still don’t come near
Who knows tomorrow?
If you have the answer, can I borrow?
I’m utterly lost in oblivion, I don’t know my fate
Don’t know what the next moment will serve on my plate
My imagination is pitch black blank as a clean slate
Cos it’s very strange
How in a second, circumstances could change

It’s vague
The future is a veil
Yet they still delude us more with silly horoscopes
The future is the only thing you’ll never see in the barrels of telescopes
Nor crystal balls
Nor in the stars, calabashes and cowry shells
Should I ever listen to these fortune tellers?
So they could lie more than door mats and spin me like propellers?
Isn’t Time cunning?
Maybe that’s why soothsayers never see death coming
If they say ignorance is bliss
Then I leave this biz to the one who taught me how to write this
Only the inventor of time know it’s pathways
Let me put my trust in God always

Friday 3 October 2014


Most often optically subjective 
This they say "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"
But most of the time it is short-lived 
Prone to extinction 
When beauty is written boldly all over your face
When they see you, they praise you
And The mirror proclaims it
Even God knows it

But Beautiful faces will change phases
All will fade away like the acoustics of an echo
Decaying with time 
Not like fine wine, but like fruits perishing
Look at the beautiful faces time is peeling 
Look at beauty withering away like leaves
Every year, every other birthday a part of your beauty depletes 
Your Organic Youth is going stale
The years are leaving ageing contours 
The once moisturised soft skin folds into terraces of wrinkles 
That pitch black silk hair will dry into grey matter  
All of a sudden that skin doesn't glow no more 
You were/are once a beauty goddess but not forever

That's the power of time
It clothes you with beauty and then takes it away
You can't fight ageing
Cosmetic surgeries can't hide traces of an old woman of mankind 

A beautiful face is prone to extinction 
But a beautiful personality is immortal 
Inner beauty will never lose purity


I believe we are all alike in some way. Most of the time We think the same thoughts. What ever idea you have, someone has thought of it already. Sometimes I see someone doing exactly wot I have in mind and wonder. You can never call it idea theft can you? I believe in parallel destinies, that there are certain people inclined to certain similarities. Never be to proud of 'your great idea', it's all from God!