Tuesday 28 May 2013

It don't matter if you're a benchwarmer...
1. Pray to God
2. Train (mind, body, spirit) and work hard everyday
3. Be patient, have faith and hope
4. Soon they'll give you your chance; a spot or the stage
5. So then be sure to rock that show like it's never been done before
6. When you're done killing the show, be humble, look up and thank God...

... This is the staircase, take one step at a time.

It don't matter if you're a benchwarmer, you'll get some playing time and you can be a great legend if you believe in God's Will.

Monday 27 May 2013

Teach the skill, share the talent but never share the secret... The secret always makes the differences.



Wednesday 22 May 2013

Poetic Justice

Don't waste your time and resources seeking vengeance or reprisal; it'll never bring you justice nor will it change your circumstance. Yes, it may get you even, because it'll bring out the evil in you too. Justice is much more than revenge, even though they both share the concept of punishment... True Justice is Poetic Justice.

Monday 6 May 2013

Pardon me if I diminish the true meaning of your significance with my words.
Nevertheless, I can’t stay speechless about it’s worth.

I do not intend to sugar coat every line that I will quote.

Neither is it close to my intention of exposing tots of your thoughts to diabetes.

Don’t worry, I’ll not pour honey into your mind.

I’m just giving you a path to a world of mine filled with treasures that cannot be mined.

Not only do I want to be part of your life, its an honour to dwell in your cognisance.
Because even when you’re reading now, we’re trading places.

It is an asset to my life, and I never desire giving you liabilities.

Nor do I possess liar abilities.

But sharing with you every whiff of my abilities.

Friday 3 May 2013

Pride is a mighty destructible force. Not only will destroy you, it will deprive you of a lot of things; love, knowledge and compassion.
The most beautiful things in life are not the things we see with our eyes, but the ones that we feel. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but tell me how will you describe ‘happiness’ and ‘love’ without depleting it’s true essence, or have you not failed in your quest trying to? When we feel, though it is within our comprehension, it is beyond definition and description. That is why we can’t measure it, the reason why it is a beautiful mystery.

Men Die, Legends Live Forever.

Everybody has a dream
Everybody has something they all wish they’ll wake up to someday.
Living without a dream is like living with sight but with no vision.
And no doubt I always dream of being wealthy.
So I could buy all the things I dream of.
Dreams money can buy huh?
But what is wealth when health expires?
What is opulence when time kills everybody?
Is it not delusional to think that you be killing time?
What good is luxury when pleasure is transitory?
I guess there’s always an end to everything.
So what then is the worth of my dream? How far will it fair against eternity?
And how good is it when I’m no more?
Verily, everything depletes with time; name it; beauty, power and life.
But some legacies have lived long enough.
Some names will always be remembered;
Men die, legends live forever.
Eternity can’t silence the echoes of great legacies.
Writing is one of my legacies.
I might not be fortunate to have a monument built in my name.
But this one of the few remnants of my life that will remain after my soul is gone.
They say that mankind is haunted by the vastness of eternity.
How far will my life echo? I don’t know, and no soothsayer does.
Maybe someday preceding generations will read my words.
Memorize my thoughts.
Strangers will quote my name.
I do not know how long the effect of my efforts will ripple.
But it’s my dream that I’ll affect lives in a positive way possible.
Whichever way I can.
I’m building libraries. I want to live on shelves and in minds forever.
If they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, then writing must be the greatest art.
And I want to be one of the greatest artists.
Behold; A conflagration of revolution is coming and I can’t wait.
One day they’d say that it all started from a match stick I lit.
This is my dream…

Thursday 2 May 2013

Praises to God,
peace to all my friends who keep it real.
Rest in pieces to all my fiends on the reel.
Apart from the Lord!! who else do I laud?!
Tell me how many will give me a loan when I'm in need and all alone.
The best change is growth, went from boy to man, but I'll always be a buoy because I'll never sink.
And ill will and I will never sync.
So let them prey and let me pray.
Who do you trust when many are animated like toons and fake as auto tunes?!
I needn't be high up in a storey before I can share a story.
Do you need a pair of spectacles before you can view the greatest spectacles?
Maybe a dream to be in a decent scene that transcends things that are seen.
Maybe A roam in Rome.
A great pleasure If i can be in Cannes, france with all the fragrance... Having sweets in suites.
Dine and reach out to the rich but still pour some for the poor.
Or Wrapped in Kashmir scarfs somewhere in the heart of Kashmir.
And That I'll still remember the routes to my roots.
Write the rights and the rites that I see even when I'm far away at sea.
When Ambition flows in the vein, the struggle shall not be in vain.
I'm patient, but I'm still In a hustle to escape the hassles.
Even though I'm all grown, sometimes I still groan.
How do you rise up the tiers of life without shedding a few tears?
I needn't peek at my future or s horoscope to elevate me to a peak of success.
I have no idea how long i should wait, but Patience and perseverance always makes a heavy weight
And missing prayers seven days a week, makes one weak.
One day I'll tell momma "your son made it, his shine isn't coming from someone's sun".
Find me a maid who wasn't made to make my ego alter, and I'll walk her to the alter.
How much does it cost to be fair, does being right come with a hefty fare?
No doubt, Faith will and will always brings good fate.
With that, the lord's favour will always be the good luck I wish i never lack.
So I'll never give up on God, looking forward to the day I'll say hello to my glory and the halo that'll reward my efforts.