Wednesday 4 June 2014


Weep you might
All day and all night
With all your might
Cry all you want
Wail till you can't 
Get on your knees 
Beg as you please
It won't bring her back
It can't bring him back
Tears never revive
Tears never resurrects any victim of demise
It only stains faces
And ruins make ups and joyful phases
You can't reverse it
No one could've revert it
Even though you wish you could
Or think you would
Weep you might
You can't save yourself
Nor can you win pity with all your wealth
There's no escape even with good health
When it comes it glides
No where to hide
Weep you might
Mighty waterfalls
Maybe Niagara Falls
Cry rainfalls 
Cry rivers 
Cry Denials
And wail... Till you lungs call for a ban
as loud as you can
To disturb the peace of everyone 
if those echoes filled all the corners of the earth's size
It still wouldn't suffice
never loud enough to rouse any compromise
Weep you might 
There's no bargain
Nor trade... Either vastness or grain 
Life is not a loan 
You cannot postpone 
Born alone, depart alone
Humanity cannot save you
Angels can't rescue you
Your beloved 'gods' can only stare... 
... If only they can dare
Priests can't intervene
Saints can't intercede 
Prophets couldn't avail themselves
So Who are your helpers?
Where are your lovers?
Are they of any help?
Where art they be, when you need them most?
nearby or far out of reach?
Weep you might
All day all night
With all your might
Cry all you can
Wail till you can't 
Get on your knees
Beg as you please
When that time comes
None interrupts
None adjourns
Nor delays nor hastens 
When death comes, 
may Our Lord be pleased with us
May God favour us

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