Wednesday 17 July 2013


A little Poem I want to share...

What is life?
They say death is the only answer.
That our lives do not belong to us.
Only a borrowed entity
That will be snatched from our bodies at a time appointed.
A time of no expectation, an announced appointment.
Without any form of warning or notice to any man of any caliber.
Death must be the fairest and most just thing in Life; every soul shall taste it.
Whether we desire it or detest it.
Whether ready or unprepared.
And while we perceive it not…
I’m sure death always flexes a grin at the irony that we can increase our life spans.
Hmmm… This must be the epitome of shock and surprise.
They say that the only certainty in life is death.
I guess the dead must have answers to the puzzle of life.
But corpses are no better than the dumb.
Otherwise they’d relate tales and chronicles.
The cemetery isn't a silent place for no reason.
If the contents of the grave were poured forth.
If only the living had certainty of what befell the dead.
If only they could even speak.
Would we even listen?
Maybe some hearts are too hard to soften, maybe that wouldn’t be enough to change their course.
That is the beautiful mystery; Nobody will ever know until they die.
And nobody who died will ever be spared another life
… nor have the chance to share his story.
No chance to amend his deeds.
This is a query that should alert the thoughts of man.
It is said that life is war.
Socrates said “the end of life is the end of war”
... could he be further away from the truth?

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