Monday 20 January 2014

Wot a mystery
They say it's in our own hands 
They lied, didn't they?
Because we can't control wot Life presents to us
It's a freight we can't carry
We plan, God plans
We plan, God disposes 
We dream, but we wake up to a different reality.
The past has already happened
It may be gone but it has already redefined your life.
it's implications still ripples across the present
To a future that is already happening 
Though we are not there yet
We can only imagine
Tomorrow will come, buh it wouldn't meet everybody 
We can only imagine, but it's all up to destiny
Our expectations are only projections into the future 
No matter how we invest in it, it's all up to destiny
It may or may not be fulfilled 
You can never get it exactly right
Our predictions and surveys are subject to the forces of life 
We can only control our reactions to wot life throws back at us
Every choice that we make opens a door to infinite possibilities 
Our decisions define our paths, we can only move our feet.
Our destinies are beyond our control... But how we react in the end is us for the taking.

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