Monday 22 April 2013

The alarm clock screamed in my ears.
And i wondered why the dead don't wake up to the same cheers.
I woke up to a beautiful morning.
Not in a grave, Praises to God, I smell no incense of mourning.
O dear Lord, who else should I laud?
Great heavens deserve every bow and applaud.
If I never make it alive, save me a seat in your lovely garden.
Where there's no pain, everything is free, and so charming.
The lord is my shepherd, I'm proud to be part of this herd.
I'm blessed; There is roof over my head.
Food on my plate, never delayed, never late.
Sustenance in my wallet, everyday and every other date.
A wardrobe stocked with clothes, like everyday is a feat.
I stopped complaining about shoes when i saw a man with no feet.
Lord please forgive me for my ingratitude.
Sometimes, i lose my way, my bearings, my longitudes and latitudes.
It is not easy when frustration holds you hostage.
And you catch amnesia during this period of bondage.
one misfortune could make you forget all the blessings.
and you can only focus on the losses and overlook the lessons.
They say do not bite the hand that feeds you.
So every time you sin, can you feel the mercy flee you?
Lord, can i borrow a piece of a mind?
I really need a peace of mind.
Drama's been beating my mind.
like it's the percussion of a drummer.
With faith, my mind is a gold that cannot be mind.
and they say sleep is the cousin of death.
so before i go to bed, i say my last prayer till i go deaf.

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