Wednesday 10 December 2014


The world has bifocal vision
It will not always see you in the same way
If you're never at one focal point
People will always see you in different way
The Duality of social status;
When you have, and When you lack
When you are the provider, and when you need provision 
When you rise, and When you sink 
When you succeed, and when you fail
When you're lounging on the clouds and when you're lingering in the sewer
Will they still honour you? Or will they disrespect you now?
Watch your worth decrease or increase before their eyes
You'll never be looked at as the same person 
Even though your name never changed
You'll be branded a new persona when you win everything or lose everything 
You'll never be the same 
So will your environs and it's subjects 
Strangers, friends, family and loved ones
Mannerisms will depend on your social status 
Maybe they'd listen to you when you're someone 
Maybe they wouldn't have if you're no one
When you move from one focal point 
They'd look up to you or down on you
Society is a lens
And it's bifocal 
Such is the Physics of life 

Tuesday 11 November 2014


I envy you. 
I wish I knew wot you know, I wish I had wot you have, I wish I could do wot you do. 

I wish you would look deep inside you and realise the resource that you have. 

Fortunately... talent never dies. Unfortunately... some let it go to waste.

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Everyone's a character in this chapter, annals of history 
Like Time, an unsolved mystery  
Probably the most misunderstood word in the universe
Perhaps the most misused noun and verse 
So much that we gotta put an adjective before it... 'real', 'true'
Cos we sometimes mistaken sympathy for love
Love for weakness
Lust for love 
Some offer love with terms and conditions like it's a pact 
With credentials and expiry dates intact
Some say it's a game of hide and seek 
Love never finds them, so they say it's blind
And then they go seeking, and say it's hard to find
The lucky ones proclaim it's a beautiful kind
And then later say it hurts
Because It cuts deep, they bleed... healing is worst  

Things we do for love... So bad that you listen to your heart and never use your brain
So much that you can lose your mind and still be sane
It becomes your air
A god you can't live without, leaving is warfare 
It becomes your drug, your narcotic 
Paradox; the pain is from the analgesic 
More like the cure is the disease
You love because it feels good
You love so much even when love hurts
Even though you hate that you love so much 
You're a beneficiary of love at the same time a victim of addiction
And your days are filled with manic-depressions 
Mood swinging like a pendulum 
paradox; that which gives you relief and joy can give you pain
You say you leaving but you still peeking at the door

Whatever you love you invest your soul 
Love is beautiful, love is powerful
Learn to love yourself first 
Love.. But don't lose your head
Follow your heart but carry your mind along

Tuesday 14 October 2014


It’s vague
Like a thick fog that plagues
Even if tomorrow is near
I still can’t see clear
My sharp focus is nothing but an image that’s blur
“Mirror mirror on the wall”
I strain, but I don’t see anything at all
This paradox must be one hell of a kind
Because I am not blind
Nor have I been blindfolded
Nor has my sight been eroded
But I still can’t foresee
That which is in store and that which befalls me

It’s vague
Like a thick gloomy cloud that plagues
Like a mighty fog in its wake
Verily, I’m not daft
But I still have no idea
Truthfully, I’m quite smart
But my wisdom still don’t come near
Who knows tomorrow?
If you have the answer, can I borrow?
I’m utterly lost in oblivion, I don’t know my fate
Don’t know what the next moment will serve on my plate
My imagination is pitch black blank as a clean slate
Cos it’s very strange
How in a second, circumstances could change

It’s vague
The future is a veil
Yet they still delude us more with silly horoscopes
The future is the only thing you’ll never see in the barrels of telescopes
Nor crystal balls
Nor in the stars, calabashes and cowry shells
Should I ever listen to these fortune tellers?
So they could lie more than door mats and spin me like propellers?
Isn’t Time cunning?
Maybe that’s why soothsayers never see death coming
If they say ignorance is bliss
Then I leave this biz to the one who taught me how to write this
Only the inventor of time know it’s pathways
Let me put my trust in God always

Friday 3 October 2014


Most often optically subjective 
This they say "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"
But most of the time it is short-lived 
Prone to extinction 
When beauty is written boldly all over your face
When they see you, they praise you
And The mirror proclaims it
Even God knows it

But Beautiful faces will change phases
All will fade away like the acoustics of an echo
Decaying with time 
Not like fine wine, but like fruits perishing
Look at the beautiful faces time is peeling 
Look at beauty withering away like leaves
Every year, every other birthday a part of your beauty depletes 
Your Organic Youth is going stale
The years are leaving ageing contours 
The once moisturised soft skin folds into terraces of wrinkles 
That pitch black silk hair will dry into grey matter  
All of a sudden that skin doesn't glow no more 
You were/are once a beauty goddess but not forever

That's the power of time
It clothes you with beauty and then takes it away
You can't fight ageing
Cosmetic surgeries can't hide traces of an old woman of mankind 

A beautiful face is prone to extinction 
But a beautiful personality is immortal 
Inner beauty will never lose purity


I believe we are all alike in some way. Most of the time We think the same thoughts. What ever idea you have, someone has thought of it already. Sometimes I see someone doing exactly wot I have in mind and wonder. You can never call it idea theft can you? I believe in parallel destinies, that there are certain people inclined to certain similarities. Never be to proud of 'your great idea', it's all from God! 

Friday 12 September 2014


No tapes, but they're recording
The quill tip, the ball of the pen is dribbling
The Shame beneath is rumbling
The Guilt of a sinning believer is lingering 
Adrenaline... Gushing..
Droughts hunger for this kind of flooding 
I'm reeking... 
the odour of regret is reefing 
Because Angels are busily scribbling
The Holy pens are bleeding
Sacred Ink is spilling
Staining books of deeds
Tainting chapters of creed 
They say Angels are excellent scribes
One on the left, one on the right 
Their job is to write like they never left
Every wrong and every right
Profound perfectionists, never to miss a thing
Or ever run out of ink
May the writer of good be kept busy
And the author of evil deeds get sleepy 
If it's a public hearing, God is listening 
Forever a Witness, Jehovah is in every private business 
Man I'm Terrified 
Horrified that I may be vilified  
statements of my own accounts rendered
Book of life or book of death, where will my name be entered?
Every time, though no cameras and CCTVs watch
When it ticks, Every action, every word always under their watch 
This is 24 hour surveillance, life sentence
Micro decibels of every whisper is audible in great heavens 
The devil is always preying
Man I need to keep praying
Tired of running, tired of tumbling
Fatigued from carrying...
... This guilt of sin is a heavy burden 
But A reminder for a believer  
To embrace repentance before the grim reaper
May God's mercy find me before Eternal damnation 

Friday 8 August 2014


Vim is a wild, ferocious instinct
No calm, no chill, no peace... Just a fusion of passion and emotion 
Vim is a voracious hunger that cannot be satisfied 
Vim is overcoming your weakness and the willingness to transform your mistakes
Vim is a drive that has no brake, more than a Bugatti engine 
Vim is ambition, building a staircase to the sky, step by step
Vim is the belief that you can move a mountain 
Vim is power and energy and time
Vim is hope and belief and perseverance
Vim is resilience, getting up after a knockdown, ready to fight again 
Vim is strength
And true strength is mental 
Vim is loud and instrumental. 

Monday 4 August 2014


Scarier than a Lion's roar 
Life... maybe a brawl, maybe a war
Everyday and every night 
not a warrior, but I fight
I fight to live, i live to fight
Like a gallant knight
Relentlessly for more than four dozen fortnights 
Do you rely on wot you see?... I'm not selling a rumour
you probably doubt me cos you don't see me in a bright shiny amour
Then again you conceive heavy doubt 
Just because you don't see me flinging punches in a bout
In case you wonder... I'm not a ruthless Pugilist
Neither a wrestler, nor a martial  specialist 
I do not wield a sword, Nor a shield
Never seen.. Never been in a scene of battlefield 
But in my mind I've faced the fiercest battles
Beneath those cognitive crevices, my arch enemy rattles
There's a war front at the hind of this mind
Life, No trifles for rifles in this kind of grind
I face wot I don't see but that which I can perceive
Barricades of self doubts... No cease fire, No relief
Battalions commanded by disbelief 
Legions of voices that attack my fears, worries and grief

Life is war
Though we don't always see wounds and gore galore
Birthed into this pride
born into this wild
Can I adapt? Is survival on my side? 
Good lord, good God, this mind is a ring 
Where I wrestle myself within 
And quarrel with my thoughts, more or less... I guess
It's stress, Cos Sometimes I need to say no when my soul says yes
And rebel against all the lies
And tell myself if it ain't worth it, don't ever sacrifice nor compromise Never rationalise 
It doesn't always mean peace when there's silence
The roughest violence resides in the brain, where the ambience is silence 
We do not see, but Hearts are arenas 
Where we bob and weave against nibbling temptations like piranhas 
How do you build defences without fortifying offences
We all wage war against insecurities 
Who wouldn't slay poverty?
No wonder we sometimes fight change 
And Time and freedom within our range
Sometimes We lose, sometimes we win 
Sometimes We are heroes, sometimes fallen soldiers to the villain
I can't say I like this daily rampage 
Buh I can say I like this lifetime challenge
True strength is mental 
A strong mind is instrumental 

Wednesday 4 June 2014


Weep you might
All day and all night
With all your might
Cry all you want
Wail till you can't 
Get on your knees 
Beg as you please
It won't bring her back
It can't bring him back
Tears never revive
Tears never resurrects any victim of demise
It only stains faces
And ruins make ups and joyful phases
You can't reverse it
No one could've revert it
Even though you wish you could
Or think you would
Weep you might
You can't save yourself
Nor can you win pity with all your wealth
There's no escape even with good health
When it comes it glides
No where to hide
Weep you might
Mighty waterfalls
Maybe Niagara Falls
Cry rainfalls 
Cry rivers 
Cry Denials
And wail... Till you lungs call for a ban
as loud as you can
To disturb the peace of everyone 
if those echoes filled all the corners of the earth's size
It still wouldn't suffice
never loud enough to rouse any compromise
Weep you might 
There's no bargain
Nor trade... Either vastness or grain 
Life is not a loan 
You cannot postpone 
Born alone, depart alone
Humanity cannot save you
Angels can't rescue you
Your beloved 'gods' can only stare... 
... If only they can dare
Priests can't intervene
Saints can't intercede 
Prophets couldn't avail themselves
So Who are your helpers?
Where are your lovers?
Are they of any help?
Where art they be, when you need them most?
nearby or far out of reach?
Weep you might
All day all night
With all your might
Cry all you can
Wail till you can't 
Get on your knees
Beg as you please
When that time comes
None interrupts
None adjourns
Nor delays nor hastens 
When death comes, 
may Our Lord be pleased with us
May God favour us

Thursday 15 May 2014


Money! Money!! Money!!!
You must be the mother of false deities.
You summon men and make them fall to their knees
You must be a gorgeous goddess... You charm mankind too well
They love so fierce, their lust forever will last, in obsession they dwell... 
Ever violent in their pursuit for wealth
Fully Devoted in worship of it 
The Lengths, the odds and limits they would transcend
The desire of luxury drives him insane 
And makes him do crazy unthinkable things
The things he would trade;
He'd sell his soul, shed blood and sacrifice lives 
For just paper, that is flammable, that can be crumbled or torn or destroyed 
For currency notes...
... The highest badge of respect
Everybody pacifies you when you can make it rain
Tell me what chance do you have? What honour? Who cares? ...
... when your wallet is drier than harmattan
And when your pockets are shallow and leaking much worse than a sieve
That's the reality; poor people can't even afford attention
only the wealthy can buy 'dreams'
They can offset the hefty dowries, the huge luxurious weddings...
I mean... they can get the most glamorous lady
... Money can buy love huh? Or is it a love potion they mean?

The routes to vanity
the roots of evil
The abominations stemming from it.
 Always prompting necessary evil 
They say Money can buy happiness
But I wonder why rich people can't immunise depression
Or purchase a panacea to their woes 
Or maybe they can only buy things that briefly make them happy
Why can't we bargain with death...
Or buy some extra time... Some life
What would it cost you? How much?Blood, sweat, tears, faith, prayer?
Either way, Money can't save our souls 
Yet some still try and die trying
Money, you charm men too well

Friday 28 March 2014

The Storm You Should Never Calm

Sometimes we can't help it, we just can't keep calm. We all have that burning desire and ravenous feeling within, to achieve something and to reach our goals. An instinct that always fails to relinquish. That wild drive that cannot be tamed, that storm that cannot be calmed, that conflagration that cannot be extinguished, that flood that can wipe out an entire drought but I guess most of us have gotten to a point where our patience and perseverance run out and everything died down to a candle flame. The greatest legends all had the chance to give up, quit and walk away. Frank Sinatra, Steve Jobs and Mohammed Ali all plummeted from the peak of their careers but they all found a way to reset. Maybe It always takes an extra mile, an extra ounce, an extra penny, an extra minute, an extra iota of belief for God to open that breakthrough. Maybe there's another way you haven't found yet, another method you haven't discovered yet, a different route you haven't trekked yet, someone you haven't met yet or serendipity you haven't embraced yet. Wot job do you have if you quit anyway? Whether you're someone in the gym struggling to lose weight or gain muscle, whether you're having it tough starting a company, whether you want to take your career to the next level, whether you're having difficult times finding a job, whether you're writer that wants to get published, an athlete who wants to get to the big stages, a student struggling to finish school, a business man trying to rake in the revenues or anyone who's putting in work and hoping for results... The #VIM you have will always take you somewhere farther than where you started. Try a little harder, keep pushing and praying till something happens. One step is better than none if you use the staircase. Slow motion is better than no motion if you using the escalator. God sees our efforts, our hopes, our perseverance, our patience and hears our pleas. Fortunes always miraculously turn in life and God has the wheel. God bless our hustle, and May destiny favour us. VIM!!

Monday 17 February 2014

It was once said that we are borne to violence
That it's all about "can my violence conquer your violence?"
Women say men are wicked, men say likewise... I wonder which party is right.
some of us are just monsters in human flesh they say
But Can I lend you a piece of my mind?
I dispute;
We are all borne into innocence 
Look into the eyes of a baby
Are you not amazed by the beauty God's creation?
Those giggles and sharp cries.
How fragile and harmless he/she is.
Completely Free off sin.
Given to pure naivety and ignorance.
It is true, ignorance is sometimes bliss.
Because sometimes, knowledge and intelligence only increases our stupidity.
But time will soon clothes us
Adorn us with knowledge and wisdom
The foster home we call Society will soon groom us 

Now This is where the segregation of unity begins.

Everybody gets tagged to an affiliation; 
And pledges allegiance to that alliance
Religion, tribe, race, nationality...
Assigned to different social classes
Then we gradually forget that we are one species... From one beginning.
And any subtle difference is enough to ignite a rebellion.
So we hunt our own kind.
And Kill each other... Vegetarian cannibals
We take delight in other's harm
Wars erupt
Invasions loom
Tribal tendencies and Religious differences spread wide 
All because we belong to a different group
Just Because we differ
We differ in color, race, tribe and dialect
We differ in belief and ideology 
The irony: the land we all fight for will soon cover us up.
Nature is filled with so much variety
Because Variety is beautiful
That's why we vary
So that we can appreciate the differences
So that we can share our variations
We are all borne different 
Each individual completely unique
But we are one family... Just distant relatives
As legendary Mandela said "it's our compassion that binds us together"
Are we borne into violence?
Or are we borne to innocence?
I dispute...

Saturday 8 February 2014

Don't kill

I try
I've tried so many times
It's probably the 1000th time
Maybe I've even lost count
I'm stuck 
I'm stuck in this daily recitation and rehearsal of trying to give life to my dream
Resuscitation probably can't revive this 
My mind is wondering where Glory is wandering 
I'm reeling from something real
And It's killing me
Though I wanna keep the hope alive
I feel like putting a gun to my talent 
And end the madness 
Because they say that insanity is doing the same old thing in repetition
If that's really true, then I'm enjoying the craziness of this competition
I strive! I strive!!
they say hard work pays
Buh I'm wondering why the cheque is coming at a snails pace
Every man enjoys the fruits of their own toil they said
but I'm still in drought season 
Though the prospects are in the hind sight of my blind side
The Lord can open the floodgates of all the avenues to revenues 
From outta something new that I never knew
I'm thinking of putting a gun to my talent and ending the madness
To lay it to rest... in peace 
But the voices in my head won't allow me to live in peace 
"try a little harder", "Just One more time"
Because I'm already addicted
An addiction no detox can flush out
Because the dream won't let me sleep
And the hunger for success keeps me awake
No! I don't wanna feel defeated
There's no job vacancy for quitters anyway 
So I ask myself everyday 
"when will the glory come"
My puny mind can't bear the imagination 
Only God knows... Maybe not today, maybe someday
But I can't say I'll stop trying
I'm stuck! I'm stuck!!
I'm stuck in this daily recitation that better days will seek me while I seek them until we meet at crossroads 
In the end I'm not scared that I'll fail, I'm just terrified I'd regret giving up
So Let me tell the critics and myself 
"don't kill my vim"

Monday 20 January 2014

Wot a mystery
They say it's in our own hands 
They lied, didn't they?
Because we can't control wot Life presents to us
It's a freight we can't carry
We plan, God plans
We plan, God disposes 
We dream, but we wake up to a different reality.
The past has already happened
It may be gone but it has already redefined your life.
it's implications still ripples across the present
To a future that is already happening 
Though we are not there yet
We can only imagine
Tomorrow will come, buh it wouldn't meet everybody 
We can only imagine, but it's all up to destiny
Our expectations are only projections into the future 
No matter how we invest in it, it's all up to destiny
It may or may not be fulfilled 
You can never get it exactly right
Our predictions and surveys are subject to the forces of life 
We can only control our reactions to wot life throws back at us
Every choice that we make opens a door to infinite possibilities 
Our decisions define our paths, we can only move our feet.
Our destinies are beyond our control... But how we react in the end is us for the taking.

Saturday 18 January 2014


Last night was another session of regression
He’s about to repeat the same sin at the same scene despite the repercussions.
He’s tired of sinning, tired of rehearsing the same insanity.
He’s tired of being a devoted slave child to vanity.
Fatigued from all the atrocity.
It’s hard to get things off your chest, cause it’s hard to bench press the temptations.
It’s like every night is a date with evil.
I feel like my calendar schedule was planned by the devil.
No spaces and vacancies for a righteous revival.
Virtues can’t topple the vices
And the sins are climbing higher than fuel prices
Higher than polls, yet I can’t win any vote of confidence.
He wishes he could flee the guilt, but the heart is an inescapable residence.
Feels like the guilt stocks his wardrobe and fills his fragrance.
Everywhere he goes, he wears them feeling like a hypocrite.
Clearly he can see his religion slowly slipping away in secret.
So he can’t visit the Holy Scriptures anymore with a clean conscience and without interference.
The guilt won’t allow him… always demanding a gate clearance.
He buries his hope in the doubt that God will reject his repentance.
He can’t remember the last time he was a guest at the sanctuary.
Though he used to be a tenant and pledged residence till his obituary.
But the guilt of sin will promise to evict him with all possible interventions.
So much that he’s losing hope about the privileges of a sinner’s redemption
Or the blessings of a believer’s salvation,
All he rather thinks about is God’s wrath and condemnation.
He’d rather the devil be his council than God be his attorney.
Cause he’s fed up of going back on all the promises and covenants.
So he wonders if all his credits of forgiveness are all stale, depleted and quaint.
And he wonders if he could borrow the favors of a Holy saint.
Heart stomping like a stampede from the feet of African elephants.
Pounding in terrible fear… so loud and evident
In grief that today will be the end of my time, and that his book of deeds have nothing relevant.
I know my mind is a confessions box, and I know God hears me whenever I meditate.
Cause the mind is a temple, even though there are crevices everywhere in this huge estate.
Never feel like you’re too devil enough to ask for a clean slate.
Nobody is free from sin, none of the nuns.
Not the priests nor the preacher man.
The best of sinners are those who go back to their Lord for forgiveness… regardless of everything else.
so Lord forgive me...