Thursday 28 February 2013


An inspiring thought for a believer and a challenging one for the otherwise; Intelligence and invention are not borne by mere fluke and sporadic conjecture. A Tornado doesn't sail into a junk yard and assembly a Boeing 747, neither did the Eiffel Tower erect itself, nor did the Great Wall of China build itself. Every trait of intelligence has an inception. This universe was fashioned with infinite intelligence and wonderul complexities free of any flaw... And God is the architect, the creator.

Glories & Follies

Sometimes... I am not frightened that I will fail or fall in my ascension to glory... I am just terrified that I'll give up and witness the autopsy of my own legacy.
Let them frame you up and hang you in the public eye, but picture yourself making it. One picture is worth a 1000 words; Mona Lisa has won the attention of a few critics, but she has been acclaimed several more compliments. And that makes a perfect picture; A few sketches of Blemishes. Criticisms exposes recognition...

Monday 25 February 2013

Beautiful Imperfection

I love your imperfection, it reminds me of God's perfection; How he put lapses in you to make everything perfect. There's so much beauty in your mistakes and so much suspense in your tendencies. And suspense is much fun when one cannot predict. I love your flaws, they inspire my strength in forgiveness and fuel my mercy. And your regrets? they're my rear-view mirrors. Silence wouldn't mean much if there was no noise. What is the worth of roses if there were no thorns to prick our consicience? What would I have to learn if everything was perfect? Your imperfection reminds me that I'm human... The mercy of God doesn't dwell amongst the Perfect, it lingers among the imperfect. Are we not blessed then?!

Sunday 24 February 2013

The extremes of Patience

Patience... It is a skill; if you're too patient, clear opportunities will pass your vision by while you are busy waiting. If you're too desperate you'd make the wrong decisions. In both cases, there are mistakes and regret-filled lessons... And yes, at most times it'll be too late to make it up for the loss. Before you take a step, balance your patience first.
I've failed so many a times am now building a bridge out of the wrecks of failure to success.
Never curse your destiny; sometimes the accidents and mistakes you bump into could be the beginning of a fortune and the opportunity that flees your pursuit could be the end of a misfortune
Why prefer falling so easily to be a loser to struggling so hard to be a champion?

Success Story

Sometimes I feel like giving up, feel like dropping my pen, feel like i should stop knocking and walk away from the door. Sometimes i feel like agreeing with these cynics and pessimists. I feel like saying its enough, but I ask myself; why prefer falling so easily to be a loser to struggling so
hard to be a champion? They say that the moment you give up is when you are just a breath away from the finish line. I've failed so many times I'm building a bridge out of the wreck to success. Rumi said; what you seeking is seeking you. Desperacy has been pickpocketing on my dreams, I'm losing a lot of patience. Dear Lord, though I can take steps, I have no idea which path to take, I have no map, I have no idea how far but I trust that you'll summon Success to seek me wherever it can find me at the rendezvous time... Never give up on a good cause if it's worth it. Sometimes I'm not Frightened that I may fail, I'm just terrified that I gave up and watch my own legacy burn to ashes.

Armour of God

I went to war with no shield, no sword and no armour. And I marched home undefeated, victorious without battle scars or an obituary. My foes waved the white flag, yet I hadn't faced them with an army... I faced them with God

Friday 22 February 2013

The wonder Book

Revelations: revelations that borne blessings and alleviate curses... That addresses thoughts, a gift to mankind, lessons of which there's no similitude, perfection that has no contender. If I had all the words, together with the help of the world's libraries, the oceans as ink, and a several thousand quills, I still wouldn't be able to provide even a sketch of this perfect picture. They say that we are all slaves in different kinds, but I feel chains falling of when I am reading this book. It clothes my naked mind and nourish my sacred thoughts. It has no chronological order; past, present and future all intertwined in one masterpiece. With clear signs bigger than science, beautiful literature that'll blow the mind of renowned poets. With these words, I haven't even thought of taking a single step to match the excellence of this beautiful scripture. The definition of true religion, void of contradictions, errors and human intervention. A book sent to illuminate billions and memorised by millions. So we ask ourselves, how could this be the work of man? They say mankind is haunted by the vastness if eternity, but this book lives in the annals of history and will echoe throughout the millenia, generations and eternity to forever be cherished by believers andd memorised by strangers in one language that will frontier the unison of beautiful religion. A book that will always speaks for itself. Quran is a wonder... Put it to test of you will!

Lessons in a mistake

They ask me; "why did you waste a lot of time on a single mistake?"... I replied "I just wasted a lot of time in learning a couple of lessons"


Success is beautiful. sometimes, it is a beautiful veil that shields our vision from the reality of things... Adversity introduces you to yourself and the people around you. Failure is a bridge to success.
There are several times when men have made fortunes by the cause of a mistake or an accident. Sometimes, There's always some positive side or a negative thing.

Open mind

Keep an open mind and it'd either Become a gift box or a trash bin.

Corpse or wine

By my Lord, It's either my life is like a corpse or like pure wine; it's either I'm getting worse or better with time like the stench or the taste!

Amazing Amazon

Never denounce your potential... Even the mighty Amazon forest rose from a filthy soil, and before that... It was nothing worthy of mentioning!

Ladder Of Life

In the ladder of life, some are above us not for us to wish for their downfall or pull them down in selfish envy but as an offer of motivation and vision to reach higher heights... Some are beneath our feet not for us to look down and flex our pride but to shed the light humility and perhaps offer a helping hand.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Envy and Inspiration are alike; they both drive some urge. victims of both all have that dying urge to live up to someone who's greater than themselves. The difference is; inspiration says in a curious tone "how did he get there?" And envy says in a sore tone "why did he get there?" the former will get you somewhere, the latter will get you nowhere

Saturday 16 February 2013

The Craft of Peer influence

I've been trying to fight this persistent resistance
The resistance of trying to fit into society's wardrobe
Where I would have to walk in the shoes of the culture it has fashioned
The craft of peer influence...
I'm falling victim to this revolution
I'm falling victim to change
I have been mesmerized by this abstract piece of art
And in my head, there's always this same uninvited cunning guest
Whose hissing voice is always nothing but a shrill whisper
But rather so loud enough to awaken all my desires from slumber
It's always says "feel free to do it, everybody is doing it anyways"
So then I'm trying to consider this advice
Of course if it isn't true, why am I feeling like an outcast?
Or a coward filled with so much shyness
Religion is the fuel that ignites the engine of conscience.
If I can't break these rules, everybody else is bending them
Peer influence seasoned with temptation; that is what is leaning on my mind's doorbell
And for a moment my disobedience killed my conscience...
Now I'm marooned in vulnerability and insecurity
A Perfect scene to commit a sin
I could probably be disturbing the environment by the exhaust of kush (weed) in the air
Probably giving my liver so much stress with strong liquor
Probably giving away my virginity away like it's cheap gossip
Probably increasing my currency value out of a single 419
Probably be a top player, winning concubines without any penalty
Probably just living life cos it's a trend that everybody follows
That's the fashion these days; follow the masses
What happened to the sight of my judgement? Every thing that seemed bad to me now seems okay if not good.
Now I can't even show up at a local mosque
They'd be framing me up with sarcastic names, picture me being mocked
Why should I be bothered the least?
Why am i being a puppet of societal criticisms?
I should be one in a million
The influence in my life should be free of sporadic judgements.
I'm fighting this resistance... I'm at war with peer influence.
So help me God...

Thursday 14 February 2013

A Beautiful Mind

Isn't it miraculous? That in a moment, there are invariable infinite thoughts and ideas firing in your mind from origins of which you know not? Each of which could sprout into several matrices of possibilities connecting to many many others, all governed by the relativity of time and space. But then, will the choice of every action be just mere intuition or will it be a matter of probability and deliberation? Every encounter defines a new potential direction. I believe our paths did not cross each other without a reason; our fates are intertwined in a beautiful way that makes everything whole in a complete and perfect sense. We are all connected to one another in an oblivious way, a correlated network of permutations of which no entity can ever compute. Your actions will not only effect your life, it'll echo and influence others. Like the roll of a dice, the toss of a coin or the sliding of a fortune wheel, what are the chances that successes and opportunities will be fleeing you, and what are the chances that trouble and misfortune will be seeking you? What are the chances that you'll be that one out of a million sperm that will reside in a particular womb? Born with a silver spoon, born into a particular room or born into penury? Though we're linked by events of the past, the consequences of our actions will forever ripple throughout a considerable expanse of humanity and eternity even when we're gone. Destiny will forever be a mystery, the phenomenon that determines the course of our lives. Will we then say that our destiny lies in our own hands?. Is it not miraculous that your fortune could change in just a moment?

Tuesday 12 February 2013

If you say you don't trust words but trust actions, then, you probably have met liars but haven't met hypocrites yet.

Sunday 10 February 2013


Revenge is sweet, it always puts you on an even scale. Sometimes it is dangerous; they say that when you seek it, dig two graves. But at all times, the best form of revenge is forgiveness... Forgive and let their conscience haunt them or you can just wait for Karma to show up!
Yesterday you were behind me, i was taking a bullet for you, today I'm taking another bullet, this time you're the shooter. Why did you pull the trigger?... How possible could my tremendous sacrifice be repaid with a silent betrayal?! Isn't this world such a cruel place?
After Time, your most priceless asset should be your mind; it is more than a mine, it is the foundation of every empire. They can imprison you for life but they can never incarcerate your thoughts for a minute. And indeed it is the best safe for your secrets... And the only key to it is your Tongue or your pen... Nothing but Your own confession.

Thursday 7 February 2013


Love; it is gentle, warm, calm, kind, merciful, serene, peaceful and a light. Isn't it rather mysterious then, that this same wonderful emotion can spawn hate, jealousy, malice, greed, hypocrisy and darkness? It's like a kindled fire; it provides you warmth and heat, but it can also burn you down to ashes. The love of power lies in the power of love... Kindle with care!

The Atom and the Universe

If only we knew the worth of an Atom's weight and the vastness of the Universe, then we'd have a clue, then we'd have an idea as to how to evaluate the greatness of God... Until then, it'll forever be beyond our infinite imagination... Beyond the comprehension of our beautiful minds.

Sometimes you feel unfavoured because you missed the plane flight, only to find out later that you missed the plane crash too. Sometimes, a blessing is just seeking you in an awkward way... And sometimes, a misfortune is just neglecting you in a beautiful way... whiles you perceive it not.
Everything happens for a reason...


Sometimes Life is like this niche called a Law Court; where we treat God like a lawyer and go to him only when we have problems... And some become judges when in the first place we all should've been reminded that God is everybody's witness.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Amnesia & Nostalgia

It's unfortunately true; we live in a life where we remember flaws barely more than we forget favours. It would be a miracle if we could catch amnesia on the shortcomings as much as we're nostalgic about the services rendered us... If only we would appreciate and forgive more than we judge and criticise.

Monday 4 February 2013

Sometimes I get lost, I get frustrated, I catch amnesia on God's infinite blessings and Ingratitude holds me hostage... The only way I can free myself is when I say "Alhamdulilah (All praises due to God)".
God forgive me for my ingratitude...

Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge and Ignorance are two contrasting realms. Each causes the deficiency of the other; it'll either cost you or pay you. The rich and powerful do not only use knowledge/wisdom, they also utilise the ignorance of others, they'll use it as bait and they'll feed from the exploits.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Every single time someone disrespects your dream by proclaiming that you can't and wouldn't get there... Please thank them... It's a sign... It's a prophecy that you'll achieve something beyond your aspirations If you keep believing in God and pushing hard!

Saturday 2 February 2013

one day you might just turn your back only to realize that you walked away from true wealth whiles you were busy lusting after money... just because you were too desperate and that blurred your vision. Be patient... Patience alleviates regret.
I pray that one day me and my people will Tower above all the insecurities and grief like the Eiffel... that even at sky heights we'd still look up to Pedestrians for Inspiration... and that we'd leave our egos in the ground... Buried in the dirt. That we'll still remember our roots, that we'll still be family, a family tree that wouldn't wilt and shed it's leaves
If the room is too dark, look around; if there is no optimist around, then there's probably a pessimist relaxing on your couch!
Silence is beautiful; like look at how many wars we've saved because we denied our tongues...
Silence, sometimes, is dangerous; how many revolutions has passed us by because we couldn't break our silence .... Actions speak louder than words, silence is an action!!
When we were all young, I never heard anyone say they wanted to grow up and become a critic... It's funny, we grown up now and the whole place is filled with critics
The greatest things in life are the ones that aren't seen, but the ones that are felt, the ones we are blind to... And I ain't talking about reading braille!


Karma is not a waitress but she will surely serve us all...
There's no menu, everybody gets served according to what he/she deserves!
Either its Nirvana or poetic justice.

Faith And Fear

Faith and grief are two contrasting emotions, such that when one thrives, the other suffers. When one's heart is clothed with too much grief, he becomes a profound pessimist. And whenever there's a pessimist in a room, it shall see no light but darkness. Faith is the light that makes the best optimist, but mind you, sometimes Fear is useful... Fear makes you human... The fear of God fuels Bravery.

Time Machine

Time... Time is a mystery that will forever plague mankind. Sometimes regrets prompts us to visit the past, and curiosity prompts us to go to the future. What If we all had a chance to make this voyage, wouldn't the future and the past be a crowded and busy realm with people trying to change their destinies?and wouldn't the present be a deserted place filled with emptiness and silence?
We don't need time machines, we already have... In our minds; our memories and aspirations.
A man changes his destiny by praying to God.
There are men whom when they spend from their wealth, it decreases and there are men whom when they spend from their wealth, it increases... And i am not talking about financial investment and stocks. The secret is charity, because, the returns will come from God Himself in margins that will exceed your comprehension.

Heart And Vase

I saw the charm
I saw the sparkle
I lost all my senses but sight
She caught my attention, everything else was noise and irrelevance
She was the most beautiful glass vase from the outside
So I poured out my heart to her... till it overflew its brim
She shed blood... my blood
The leaking only showed how severely perforated she was
Like a sieve... It only took time for everything to drain... Nothing remained.
As it dripped gradually and slowly, so did my hope.
There was blood gliding on the floor
Marking the trails of the love that i had poured forth
I fell in love...
I fell in love with this world.
I set my expectations high like a kite
But disappointment rained down on me like cats and dogs
I put my trust in the wrong places... On the wrong bases
Poured it out into perforated vases
I didn't know if i should walk out of the door
Or leave it creaking so I could be convinced to try again
Hope would always speak to me in my times of solitude
But in time, my patience was barely a tea cup full
And God spoke to me in those verses inscribed in the Quran
Always preaching patience and hope
I may lose hope in myself...
... But I will never give up on God.

Who do I Trust?

Trust at most times is a rust...
Who do I Trust? You tell me...
Most of us are flexing the Mona Lisa
A captivating smile is just a reflection
An Inverted image, a true deception
whose true motives and roots can only be routed to the invisible intentions that reside in the heart.
Liars continue to con us with beautiful speech.
It's difficult to tell who is real,
when smiling is the easiest task
And hiding your true intentions doesn't require a mask
The better versions of liars
if you don't trip a liar, then you'd probably fall into one
They say appearances are deceptive
Character can sometimes be a camouflage
And like chameleons, they blend into the environment
And hide in plain sight
And at every dinning, there is always a Judas who can't share a pinch of loyalty
They say blood is thicker than water
But sometimes, it's your own true blood who laces the drink.
If l lent you my trust, would you wreck it?
And if i gave you the strings, would you make me your puppet?
Who do I trust?... Tell me!

Dirt And Diamond

Sometimes the friction of life polishes you through hassles.
Till you can shine so bright that your gleam dazzles.
You shed blood, sweat and shed tears for a hundred million hours
And when the time is ripe, you start to blossom and shed flowers
Everybody saw you a dead seed
Now they’re wondering how you rose from the dirt.
Until you take them back to your roots.
Show them how you became a shoot.
How God planted you in a barren earth as a dead seed
And defined your creed
How inspiration was your sunlight
The reign of patience was your rain
How in persistence you found germination
And nourished by determination.
Who ever knew from the concrete a seed would make a breakthrough?
Who ever knew from the worst conditions a beautiful flower would sprout?
Diamonds are buried in the earth.
Pearls, sapphires and rubies all sleep in the dirt of the ocean’s depth.
Beautiful gardens and orchards all rise from dirt.
I guess good things are hard to find.
And great things never come easy.
Is it coincidence that the most enchanting things in life emanate from the worst conditions?
… it is friction that would make a diamond shine.