Friday 22 February 2013

The wonder Book

Revelations: revelations that borne blessings and alleviate curses... That addresses thoughts, a gift to mankind, lessons of which there's no similitude, perfection that has no contender. If I had all the words, together with the help of the world's libraries, the oceans as ink, and a several thousand quills, I still wouldn't be able to provide even a sketch of this perfect picture. They say that we are all slaves in different kinds, but I feel chains falling of when I am reading this book. It clothes my naked mind and nourish my sacred thoughts. It has no chronological order; past, present and future all intertwined in one masterpiece. With clear signs bigger than science, beautiful literature that'll blow the mind of renowned poets. With these words, I haven't even thought of taking a single step to match the excellence of this beautiful scripture. The definition of true religion, void of contradictions, errors and human intervention. A book sent to illuminate billions and memorised by millions. So we ask ourselves, how could this be the work of man? They say mankind is haunted by the vastness if eternity, but this book lives in the annals of history and will echoe throughout the millenia, generations and eternity to forever be cherished by believers andd memorised by strangers in one language that will frontier the unison of beautiful religion. A book that will always speaks for itself. Quran is a wonder... Put it to test of you will!

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