Sunday 3 April 2011


Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
My eyes would wail in pain.
The tears would nourish the lakes like a never-ending rain.
The feeble heart that resides in my chest would wither.
Your love is what fed it with all the glitter.

Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
Anytime I fix my gaze to the heavens, my mind is absent.
Wondering how you demonstrate that God’s mercy through mankind is present.
The Love is thicker than blood, it is imbedded in my genes.
I will pacify your love to snippets and smithereens.

Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
My pain is your pain, your pain is my pain.
Your gain is my gain, my gain is your gain.
If my mind is bleak, you appear as my beacon.
Blind or deaf, I still feel you in my memories.

Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
Even if I could fly, I would humble my wing.
And wait for the harmony that honesty will bring.
Even if I could ignite, I will quench the pride.
And let humility boast of its pride.

Oh mother, I just can’t imagine…
For 9 months, we didn’t only share a cord, our destinies are intertwined
We were crafted from one piece, like two sides on one coin.
We walked through the traps and thorns but yet our feet did not bleed.
You bear the torch, and I will follow your lead.

Oh Mother I Just can’t imagine…
O’ Lord you gave me three times what you gave me of my father.
No amount of noble speech can compete your love, Oh mother.
No bars of gold, no carat of diamonds and pearls can requite your efforts.

Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
That one day we will be apart.
It’s so much pain, then I remember God and hope fills my heart.
When my head kisses the floor, my lips whisper a supplication.
That one day our Lord would reunite us in paradise, in manifest exultation.

Oh Mother, I just can’t imagine…
I just can’t imagine losing you.
I desire to cuddle in your warmth for ever...

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